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Свежее обновление для War in the East -1.05.45

Последний за длинным (всегда было интересно – ну зачем столько цифр то)номером 1.05.45 апдейт для Gary Grigsby’s War in the East: The German-Soviet War 1941-1945. “Матриксы” строго рекомендуют поскорее установить это дело и наслаждаться игрой.  Очередные правки баланса, AI, карт, подразделений. В общем – ставим, лишним не будет, точно. Скачать можно с официального сайта игры.

Список изменений и правок

• New Features and Rule Changes
1) Formula Change – Reduced the impact of damage to an air base on the chance an aircraft will crash on landing. This will reduce losses to intercepting fighters that are having their air base attacked.
2) AI Change – In the later war period, the AI will now consider merging unready units together to create a larger ready unit.

• Bug Fixes
1) Fixed a bug where incorrect rail capacity could be added back if the target city has no slots to move all selected factories.
2) Fixed a bug where the Soviet Polish army could be incorrectly activated prior to 1944.
3) Fixed a minor bug where reverse logic was being applied to the blast device parameter when bombing ground elements in an air base.
4) Fixed a bug where the number of HQ units involved in a battle could be displayed incorrectly.
5) Fixed a bug where the battle display could get corrupted when the number of units plus HQs in the battle was very high.
6) Fixed a bug where ground units when bombed could gain very high disruption which was causing a negative modifier to be used in some routines. One of the side effects of this was that multiple leaders could get killed in a single attack.
7) Fixed a bug where zero factory id slots with non-zero values were adding to the number of evacuating factories.
8) Fixed a display bug where when inputting a new aircraft cruise speed in the editor, the pop-up for input was incorrectly asking for mph instead of kmh.
9) Fixed a bug where some ground elements that were no longer called for after a TOE change were having extra elements sent to the pool (more than actually existed in the units that no longer needed them).

• Data and Scenario Changes
1) Changed the German 20mm Flak guns (Devices 121, 126, 243, & 244) AA ceiling to 6,500 feet.
2) Device 0120 AA Machine Gun removed (zeroed out); this device was a legacy device imported from another data base and never used in the game system.
3) Device 0128 128mm Flak40 AA Gun Range changed to 11,700 yards.
4) Device 0252 20mm Twin Flak38 AA Gun ROF changed to 180.

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